Verbs that end in -ger in the infinitive form change g to ge in front of the vowels  a, o or u in order to keep the soft sound of g in the infinitive form and retain its
identity; otherwise, g in front of a, o or u is normally pronounced hard, as in go.
Some common verbs that end in -ger in the infinitive form are:
arranger / to arrange
changer / to change
corriger / to correct
déranger / to disturb
manger / to eat
nager / to swim
neiger / to snow
obliger / to oblige
partager / to divide, to share
plonger / to dive, to plunge
ranger / to arrange by row, put in order
songer / to think, to dream
voyager / to travel

Pronoun Example Verb : manger
Je Mange
Tu Manges
Il / elle/on Mange
Nous Mangeons
Vous Mangez
Ils / Elles Mangent
Pronoun Example Verb : arranger
J’ arrange
Tu arranges
Il / elle/on arrange
Nous arrangeons
Vous arrangez
Ils / Elles arrangent