Les verbes

A verb is a ‘doing’ word which describes what someone or something does, what someone or something is, or what happens to them, for example, be, swim, live.Some typical French action verbs include   danse, chanter, écrire,   lire, etc. Some typical stative verbs in French are  être, devenir,    rester etc.

We can categorise French verbs into two main categories: action verbs (les verbes d’action) and stative verbs (les verbes d’état).

Les verbes d’action (action verbs) are used to talk about an act or an activity performed by the subject of the sentence. These verbs can express an ongoing action or a one-time event. They can be followed by direct or indirect objects.Some of the most common action verbs in French : faire , acheter, manger, chercher ,  donner  etc.

Aller To go to
Venir de To come from
Attendre To Wait
Apporter To bring
Faire To do
Choisir To choose
Tomber To Falldown
Entendre To hear
Être couché Be lying down
Être debout Be standing
Être assis Be seated
Courir To run
Toucher To touch
Danser To dance
Couper To cut
S’habiller To  dres
Dessiner To draw