verbs such as appeler (meaning to call ), which end in –eler, the I doubles before -e, -es and -ent. The double consonant (ll) affects the
pronunciation of the word.
- agneler (to agnel)
- déceler (to detect)
- celer (to celebrate)
- appeler / to call
- rappeler / to recall
- se rappeler / to remember
- receler (to conceal)
- ciseler (to chisel)
- démanteler (to dismantle)
- écarteler (to quarter)
- encasteler (to chisel)
- geler (to freeze)
- dégeler (to thaw)
- congeler (to freeze)
- surgeler (to freeze)
- marteler (to hammer)
- modeler (to model)
- peler (to peel)